Stinky Breath? Take These 4 Steps to Get Rid of It For Good

Stinky Breath? Take These 4 Steps to Get Rid of It For Good

Stinky Breath

Yuck! No one likes stinky breath. We’re not sure which is worse; whether you’re the one with the horrendous smell coming from your mouth or it’s the person you’re talking to.  Either way, it’s a problem. But no fear, there are plenty of solutions for you.

stinky breath is not something you want to have

The first step to solving your stinky breath is to figure out the cause. There are a number of causes including smoking, eating certain foods, not taking care of your oral hygiene, and many more. For the sake of today, we are going to focus on how you can solve bad breath and provide tips on good habits you can get into that will chase away that terrible smelling breath for good.

Practice Good Hygiene

Practicing good hygiene is one for sure way to help your mouth to not smell bad. Stinky breath is usually formed over time and when you are not cleaning your mouth on a regular basis, a buildup of various types of odour and bacteria happens. There is a simple fix here, and it’s basically just brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis. Using mouth wash and rinsing your mouth is also going to be an important step.

dentist regina, bad breath, poor hygiene

This is a relatively cheap option and will mainly consist of time and effort into getting rid of your bad breath. If you perform these key activities in the morning and before you go to sleep each and every day, your stinky breath will be gone in no time.

Clean Your Tongue

Your tongue takes up a lot of space in your mouth. For this reason, it tends to be exposed to a lot of foods that are passing by. In relation to the first point, you’ll want to make sure your tongue is always being taken care of. You can use your tooth brush to brush your tongue at the same time you’re brushing your teeth. Often, stinky breath is caused by a tongue that is full of bacteria and yesterday’s lunch. Simply keeping your tongue clean can eliminate the smell of bad breath.

Drink Water to Get Rid of Stinky Breath

Believe it or not, drinking lots of water and staying hydrated will help you eliminate the bad odour coming from your mouth. When you drink water, of course it will be passing through your mouth. The water will assist in naturally cleaning your mouth and washing away those bad bacteria that is a possible cause of your stinky breath. In addition to helping to clean your mouth, water is just overall good for you and staying hydrated is an important step in staying healthy and living a healthy life.

In addition to drinking water, you can time it right so that you are washing away foods and drinks after you consume them. For example, drinking a glass of water after you finish drinking coffee for the day will make a huge difference. Or after that chocolaty, ice cream dessert, rinse your mouth with a glass of water. A little goes a long way.

Stinky Breath Could be Coming From Your Toothbrush

Dental Clinic Regina, bad breath is caused by old toothbrushes

Usually when you visit the dentist, you’ll walk away with a free toothbrush. But if you’re only going once a year, this might not be enough. You should be changing your toothbrush every couple of months. Either changing it every 3 or 4 months is good practice. Sometimes your toothbrush can develop a smell and carry bacteria that is contributing to your stinky breath situation.