How Your Teeth Benefit From a Low Sugar Diet & Why

How Your Teeth Benefit From a Low Sugar Diet & Why

Low Sugar Diet

Sugar consumption has rose exponentially in the past few decades. Although most of us realize the health repercussions that comes along with consuming sugar, we still continue to consume it quite literally every single day. Sugar is not only bad for out bodies but specifically for our teeth. It can cause cavities in our mouths and can also be the root cause of tooth decay. Have you ever considered trying a low sugar diet?

Since we care about your oral health, we’ve provided a few tips on how you can lower your sugar consumption and, if you’re going to consume sugar, the best way to do so to benefit the health of your teeth and impress your dentist!

low sugar

Less Cavities With a Low Sugar Diet

It seem like everything we come across in the supermarket is loaded with, or has at least some sugar content in it. Well, believe it or not, you can still make healthy choices. Choosing more natural foods will help to keep your teeth avoid those awful, expensive cavities. It’s not always the case, but by staying away from the processed foods and more toward the natural foods will keep your oral health in much better shape.

A low sugar diet can be difficult at first, but cravings usually only last 1-3 weeks. Although, you will likely begin to feel more energized after only a few days time.

Better Overall Health

A low sugar diet will not just benefit your teeth, but result in an all-around healthier you! The actual recommended sugar intake for a single human is considerably lower than what consumers have gotten used to. When you get into the habit of a low sugar diet, you will likely see the results both physically and mentally. You will have higher energy levels and likely feel happier and more awake throughout the entire day rather than in bursts.

Low Sugar Diet Might Help Bad Breath

If you know or have been told that you always have bad breath, a low sugar diet might help to eliminate this issue. Natural foods such as apples may actually clean your teeth as you eat them due to the texture and water content. Of course, fruits still include sugars, but consuming these natural sugars will be much better and have less negative results than processed foods that include sugar and result in a cleaner, less stinky mouth.

bad breath

Drink More Water

One easy way to accomplish a low sugar diet is drink more water. Drinking lots of water will keep your mouth clean and help to wash away left over debris in your mouth. Staying hydrated will also help curb those sugar cravings when they come knocking. Preventing a dry mouth is also one easy way to prevent bad breath and maintain better oral health.

Important Considerations

Always remember, your diet is extremely important, but so is oral care! Don’t forget to brush, floss and use things like fluoride and mouth wash to keep a clean mouth and overall good oral health. Practicing good hygiene will make you happy, and have your dentist impressed after every single visit.

Contact Us

If you’re looking for a new dentist, book your appointment today with Riverbend Dental. Our friendly staff will make you feel comfortable during your visit and give you any advice to maintain or achieve proper oral health. Give us a call or visit us today!

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