Oral Hygiene – 5 Tips For Keeping Your Mouth Clean

Oral Hygiene – 5 Tips For Keeping Your Mouth Clean

Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important. It’s not just important for the health of your mouth but also important in your day to day life. Bad oral hygiene can lead to a wide range of mouth diseases and can also be the cause of bad breathe. Take the following tips to begin practicing better oral hygiene for yourself and those around you.

oral hygiene

Brush Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth twice per day can greatly increase your oral hygiene. It’s essentially the main building block to achieving a clean and healthy mouth. Between the food we eat and the drinks we drink, there is a lot that passes through our mouth everyday. Brushing your teeth at the beginning and at the end of the day, and sometimes even more, an help us clean away all sorts of debris and buildup in our mouths that overtime, can cause various types of oral diseases.

Flossing Helps Oral Hygiene

Flossing will also help to increase your oral hygiene. By removing plaque and ensuring cleanliness between you teeth, your overall mouth will benefit. We realize that many of us don’t have time to floss every day, or maybe we just simply forget since we don’t prioritize it. Getting into the habit of doing so during your morning or nightly routine will provide positive consequences for your oral hygiene. Often people find using disposable floss sticks are an easy and convenient way to find time for flossing. Whatever you need to do to remember to floss, it will be well worth it!

dentist regina

Quit Smoking

We realize that you this tip may not affect you directly. But it’s helpful to realize the harm smoking does for your oral health in order to help persuade others to drop the habit. None the less, if you are a smoker, you are doing tons of unnecessary harm to your oral health. Most importantly, smoking is a major cause of gum disease. Gum disease will lead to many issue relating to the health of your mouth. We also realize that the majority of smokers are aware that they need to quit, but find it extremely difficult. We would encourage you to find the help and support you may require in order to drop the habit for good.

Strategic Drinking Habits

We get it, we like to drink our morning coffee too! Or that evening glass of wine – yummy! One tip to ensure better oral hygiene when consuming these types of liquids is to drink them in short periods of time. For example, rather than drinking 2 cups of coffee over a period of 4 hours, it’s better to drink that same amount of coffee within an hour or so. This may seem unnecessary but it can make a large different for your dental health as well as the overall health of your mouth.

improve oral hygiene

Mouthwash Improves Oral Hygiene

Using mouthwash daily can be a big helper for poor oral hygiene and specifically bad breathe. Some mouthwashes can help to control the buildup of plaque on different surfaces within the mouth and also help to eliminate bad breathe. It’s important to remember that mouthwash should not replace your brushing or flossing practices. It should be seen as nothing but an additional thing you can do to improve your oral hygiene.

Visit us Today!

It goes without saying that visiting a dental professional at least once per year will help you maintain proper oral health and ensure you are always aware of your current situation. You are able to catch issues and problem area before they escalate and reach the point of no return. Call or visit Riverbend Dental today to book your appointment and start your journey to a better, healthier you!