The Top 5 Things You Can Do to Improve Oral Health

The Top 5 Things You Can Do to Improve Oral Health

Tips to Improve Oral Health

Perhaps, when it comes to your oral health, it’s put on the back burner for more critical issues that happen in your life. When this happens here and there, so it’s not a huge deal. Yet when you’re always putting your oral health on the back burner, you need to worry!

It might not seem necessary to focus on your oral health, but it is.  We should look after our teeth because we have a long life to live, and feeding without teeth is even more difficult. Having poor oral health can lead to other health issues in the future.  You do need to be mindful of the stuff you put in your mouth, like chew and dip filled with nicotine. Such chemicals cause oral cancer just as often as smoking causes lung cancer.Dentist Regina

Brushing is key, but in a lot of cases, this isn’t enough to protect your oral safety. And with good intentions, getting into a bad habit can end up doing substantial harm to your health. Below are a few things that you can do every day to keep your teeth in excellent condition and keep your oral health high.

1. Brush, Don’t Scrub

Scrubbing your teeth with lots of pressure can wear the tooth enamel on your walls, resulting in pain and extra sensitivity. Put very little weight on the brush to keep your teeth clean. Using a gentle brush and go over them gently. Putting pressure on the toothbrush can cause wear to the enamel, and

2. Avoid Sodas

Dental Regina

It is a hard idea to obey, but for a variety of reasons, sodas are harmful to teeth. They are high in sugar, have artificial colours that cover the teeth, and are very acidic. Phosphoric and citric acids are a significant concern, as they (too) eat away from your tooth enamel, making it softer and more cavity-prone.

Try drinking plain water instead of drinking beverages with sugar in them. As your body craves it, water is healthy for you, especially if you consume a large amount of salt or sugar. It also requires your body to clean out your kidneys and keep your organs in good working condition. Your body asks to be cooled on a hot, humid day because you sweat continuously to stay cool while outside. If you don’t like plain water, you can some fruit, such as strawberries, oranges, peaches, or even cucumbers, for flavour, but keep in mind, that a lot of these fruits are acidic too.


3. Brush After Meals

After every meal, several dentists recommend brushing. If that’s possible, preventing sugar from “nesting” in your teeth is a good way to avoid cavities. There’s an ideal time to do so, though. Allow a minimum of 30 minutes after eating before brushing for better results. Chew one piece of sugar-free gum if you can’t brush after a meal.

4. Time It Right

Have you noticed how easily your tooth enamel appears to peel away? It is a very delicate balance between wear and proper treatment. You will preferably brush about two-three minutes, spending about 30 seconds in each region of your mouth. Don’t surpass that by rubbing the enamel out too far as this can damage the tooth enamel.

Regina Orthodontist

5. Floss Daily

No matter how much of an experienced brusher you are, there are parts of your mouth that you cannot get. Flossing helps extract bacteria and food from between the teeth and below the gum line. It takes 24 hours for bacteria to develop plaque, so flossing is the right way of avoiding that cycle. But don’t floss more than once a day, because you don’t want your gums to get irritated.